About me

Mommy Age 6Patty Kane Horrigan

When I was a little girl there was nothing I wanted more than to explore the fairy tale worlds I found in my books. I’ve never lost that wish.

Through all my years of study and exploration I continue to find the enchantment, consolation and deeper meaning that lies within those stories. As a writer, a teacher and a counselor I have learned that fairy tales are still very much alive within us all, waiting to be discovered and expressed. I offer fairy tale classes and workshops so others can share in that magic and find the deeply personal riches buried within that realm.

I live in the Mid Hudson Valley in upstate New York with my husband. My children and grandchildren are blessedly nearby. I have been giving workshops and leading retreats for quite a while now.

In my professional and volunteer life I have done many things. I’ve been a programmer and a cook. I’ve worked with teenagers in a South Bronx High School developing their inner and outer life skills, I’ve facilitated groups of adults in an addiction rehab center and I’ve spent time with cancer patients in an ongoing support program. Wherever I’ve been I find the same yearning for meaning and understanding that fairy tales can provide.

When I found my own story it helped me return to school in my 60s and pursue a Masters degree in Counseling. You never know where this work will lead…